Monday, September 4, 2017

Thoughts on The End of My Time at Puget Sound Region Volleyball

Thursday Aug. 31 was my last day working for the Puget Sound Region of USA Volleyball.  I am extremely grateful for the time that I spent there and very proud of what was accomplished by the Region during that time.  Here are some very specific things that need to be mentioned:

The Region office is in very good hands with Robyn Williams.  She has done an amazing job over the course of the last season.  She is passionate about developing and growing the game and has shown her ability to develop programs by building her mini-volley program with PTA support at schools in the Shoreline area.   I am looking forward to seeing what she will bring to the table as she moves into a more prominent role within the Region. 

Dragan Karadzic will continue to be the backbone of the Region as the Operations Director.  Somehow he was deemed as not the best option to be the new commissioner, but likely that is because the work that he does is nearly impossible to replace.   I have learned so much perspective and patience from him and feel blessed and better for the opportunity to work alongside him for the past four seasons.  So much of the success of the Region is a direct result of his efforts and management.  He has played a large role in my development as a coach and a person. 

I am very proud of the work that Jen Baklenko and I have accomplished in the past four seasons of building the Region's Beach High Performance Programs.  Together we have developed one of the top Beach HP programs in the country and inspired and ignited the imaginations of athletes who just a few years ago would never have dreamed that there is a path to compete at the highest levels of beach volleyball for a kid from the Pacific Northwest.  Jen has worked selflessly and been not only an amazing head coach for the program, but also an advocate for beach athletes from the Pacific Northwest at the National level and within the Puget Sound Region as part of the Junior Advisory Board.   Keep up the great work Jen.  I can't wait to see where this program goes next. 

The biggest impact on my during my time at the Region was made by my friend and mentor, John Bryant.   Together we have brought the Region into the 21st century.   We have standardized many of the office procedures, created manuals for the office processes, developed a score of programs, navigated through the ever changing USA Volleyball landscape and waded through a variety of sticky situations within our Region.  I have learned more than I can mention from John.  I have a ceaseless admiration for his thoughtful and complete decision making process.  He was taught me that it is far more effective to take a little longer reaching the right decision, than it is to rush to the wrong one.  It has been an honor and privilege to work with John.  Over his career, he has made a huge impact on the local volleyball community and the National USA Volleyball processes and procedures.  I learned from John that the obstacle is the way and always admired his focus on the process.  He worked selflessly and was never one to showcase his own accomplishments. John's last day with the Region was also August 31.  I am looking forward to seeing where his next adventure takes him. 

Thank you to everyone who I got to work with during my time at the Puget Sound Region.  I am sure that I will see you somewhere down my path. 

I will continue to reach towards my mission of creating a better World through the game of volleyball as the director of Uprising Volleyball in Mukilteo.  I will also be working to further develop as a provider of support for sports organizations and small businesses.  

Thank you again for everything and good luck going forward.  


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